Employee Recognition

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Employee Service Awards

Congratulations to the many employees who have reached important milestones in their Lee College careers! The college is grateful to have so many dedicated employees. It is evident by the number of long-term employees that Lee College is a great place to be!

Service awards honor employees who have made a significant career commitment to the college. Each year, full-time employees who reach special anniversary milestones are recognized. Recognition is given for every 5 years of consecutive, full-time service (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and even 50 years of service). This calculation is based on the employee's eligible years of service as of Oct. 1.

Service Recognition Gifts

Employees who reach these increasingly impressive milestones will have the opportunity to select a gift as a token of the college's appreciation and gratitude. Service award gifts are processed through Human Resources.

Additional Information

Please contact the Human Resources Office at or 281.425.6875.

Award Recipients